lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make an analysis our favorite band. I have choose One Direction and I am going to talk a little bit about their history, members, records... Then I am going to put you a song. Here you have what I have done:


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make an audio comparing the modality of arts and the modality of science, here you have my audio:

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to choose three posters from 2019 general elections, and analyse them from a marketing point of view. 
Resultado de imagen de psoe cartel electoral 2019
 As you can see, in this poster we have a picture of Sanchez and the slogan of the electoral campaign of this year. The slogan is clear "Haz que pase" and then we have some other sentences like "La España que quieres" and "Vota PSOE". I think that the main slogan means that they are talking directly to you, saying that if you whant something to happen you can voting PSOE.
Resultado de imagen de pp cartel electoral 2019

The second picture is the poster of the PP. Technically is very similar to the first, we have a picture of Casado and the slogan. Going to the slogan, I think that the meaning of it is that it's safe to vote PP, as if they have it everything under control.

Resultado de imagen de vox cartel electoral 2019
This poster is different to the others. We can see Santiago Abascal and then the slogan "Por España" then we have an other sentence "Vota VOX". I think that the slogan is good, because usually the people who vote VOX have national feeling so this slogan fits perfectly with their way to think.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2019

BREXIT - questionaire

Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make a questionaire to know how much know people about the Brexit. Here you have it:

lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2019


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make some questions about the European Union to make a Kahot, here you have the questions. KAHOOT

When did European Union come into existence?
     a) 1995
     b) 1978
     c) 1986
     d) 1993

How many countries were admitted to EU in 2004?
     a) 12
     b) 10
     c) 18
     d) 23
When did euro coins and notes come into circulation?
     a) 2002
     b) 1996
     c) 2000
     d) 1987
How many member states are in the EU?
     a) 40
     b) 28
     c) 7
     d) 16
Which is the largest country in the EU
     a) Spain
     b) Poland
     c) France
     d) Germany
How many stars does the EU Flag have?
     a) 14
    1993 b) 28
     c) 11
     d) 12
Which of these languages is not an official language of the EU?
     a) Greek
     b) Finnish
     c) Maltese
     d) Basque
Which of these countries is not in the EU?
     a) Cyprus
     b) Czech Republic
     c) Sweeden
     d) Denmarc 
Which is the city with the biggest population in the EU?
     a) Berlin
     b) Paris
     c) London
     d) Madrid 

martes, 26 de marzo de 2019


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make some question to some women, the questions are some entries before and then we had to do an interactive poster with them. Here you have the result:


Hi everybody!

We were asked to do a video with one of the 30 articles of the human rights, my article waws the 7th and here you have the video


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make a questionary about women & rights. The app we have used is google forms, here you have our questionary:

martes, 12 de marzo de 2019


Hi everybody:
We have been asked to do something related with women and science, we made some interviews and now we are going to make a interactive poster. This are some of the questions: 
- Did you hesitate to enter in this degree for being a woman?
- What do you want to work in the future?
- Do you think that you face the same possibilities as a man to get that future job?
- How many boys and girls are there in your class?
- Do you think teachers help in that gender difference? 
- Have you studied many women scientists?


Hi everybody!
We are doing a video about human rights on groups for a contest. Each group is going to do a diferent video and then we are going to choose one and present it to the contest. If we win we would go to Auswitch so I hope that we will.
For our video we have decided that we are going to interview some people. We are going to ask them questions about human rights and then do some shooting to put some famous sentences on the video. I think that it is a very good idea but it is very difficult to meet all together for the interview and I think that it will also be very hard to find people who let us interview and record them.
We had some problems with the editing, but finally we came out with a solution.
Here goes out video:

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2019


Hi everybody!
The second term has just finished, and we have been asked to do an autoevaluation of this term. To start, I have to say that we have made lots of different types of work, starting with the Krissia challenge. I think that this challenge has been very useful, we have learnt a lot with Iñigo, Ainhoa, Javier and with the girls of Angulas Aginaga. Then we watched some films which have been very important in the history of filming, and I think that in spite of some of the films were a bit boring, it was good to see this films because of the importance they have. To finish, we made some videos. One was the heritage video, shooting this film I had a very good time, but we had some problems with the editing but finally we made it and I think we have done a very good work (you have both videos in the blog). The last thing we did this term was the song video. Although we haven't got any mark for it, I think that we deserve something because we tried iot.
I'm looking forward for what is the 3rd term expecting.

viernes, 22 de febrero de 2019

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2019


Hi everybody!
Our teacher asked us to make a video about heritage in christmas. We were a lot of people in a group so we decided to make two videos.
The first one is about Santo Tomas in Donostia.  We went to the Old Part to shot some videos and then we took all the videos videos and put them together and put a song. We don't know so much about video editing, but we have tried.
The second video is about christmas in general, we shot videos of the lights of Donostia, of the general atmosphere here in our city and we simulate the new years eve dinner. We recorded this all and made the same as in the Santo Tomas videos. 
The both videos videos are on Irati's blog so here you have the link to her blog:


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to create a story, to make children and teenagers eat more fish. We did a storyboard and this has been the result:

jueves, 31 de enero de 2019


Hi everybody!
The film I have seen is Taxi Driver, and here is the analysis I have  done
for this film:
Travis Bickle is an ex-Marine and Vietnam War veteran living in New YorK
City. As he suffers from insomnia, he spends his time working as a taxi
driver at night, watching porn movies at seedy cinemas during the day,
or thinking about how the world, New York in particular, has deteriorated
into a cesspool. He's a loner who has strong opinions about what is right
and wrong with mankind. For him, the one bright spot in New York humanity
is Betsy, a worker on the presidential nomination campaign of Senator
Charles Palantine. He becomes obsessed with her. After an incident with
her, he believes he has to do whatever he needs to make the world a better
place in his opinion. One of his priorities is to be the savior for Iris,
a twelve-year-old runaway and prostitute who he believes wants out of the
profession and under the thumb of her pimp and lover Matthew.
Director: Martin Scorsese
Writer: Paul Schrader
Stars: Robert De Niro, Cybill Shepherd, Jodie Foster.
Genres: crime, drama
Lenguage: English, Spanish
Budget: $1300000
Gross (USA): $28262574
Runtime: 114min
Release date: 8 February 1976 (USA)
The theme in this film is the loneliness and the violence.
The story is about Travis Bickle, a depressed discharged marine of the US,
who decided to be a taxi driver at night to cope with his insomnia. While
he is working, he will meet different people with whom he will have a very
close relation and as Travis works at night he will be witness of a lot of
violence and delinquency during the film.
The director did a very captivating conflict, I didn't expect so.
My favorite character of the film is Iris, because she is a clearHi example
of what is happening with a lot of girls around the world.
I like how the actors worked in this film, it was quite realistic to be
from this time. It is true that there where some scenes which weren't so
realistic, but the majority of them were.
I have learnt a lot about this film; first of all, I have realized how
complicated could be making a film with so few facilities. The point of
view of the director about the theme was that in some scenes he takes part
on the cast of the film and it's one of the characters.
-A 26-year-old discharged U.S. Marine, is a lonely, depressed young man
living in isolation in New York City. He takes a job as a taxi driver to
cope with his chronic insomnia.
-He is witness of a lot of delinquency. He meets Betsy and iris.
-He’s going to kill Senator Charles Palantine.
-YOU: A depressed exmarine.
-NEED: He wants to cope with his insomnia.
-GO: He meets Betsy.
-SEARCH: He gets obsessed with her.
-FIND:He saves Iris.
-TAKE:They get a very close relationship.
-RETURN: He wants to kill Senator Charles.
-CHANGE: The film has an open ending.