lunes, 25 de febrero de 2019


Hi everybody!
The second term has just finished, and we have been asked to do an autoevaluation of this term. To start, I have to say that we have made lots of different types of work, starting with the Krissia challenge. I think that this challenge has been very useful, we have learnt a lot with Iñigo, Ainhoa, Javier and with the girls of Angulas Aginaga. Then we watched some films which have been very important in the history of filming, and I think that in spite of some of the films were a bit boring, it was good to see this films because of the importance they have. To finish, we made some videos. One was the heritage video, shooting this film I had a very good time, but we had some problems with the editing but finally we made it and I think we have done a very good work (you have both videos in the blog). The last thing we did this term was the song video. Although we haven't got any mark for it, I think that we deserve something because we tried iot.
I'm looking forward for what is the 3rd term expecting.

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