jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018


Hello, we are Irati Alkezar, Felix Oyarzabal, Maddi Arotzena and Maddi Lopez and we are one of the groups which is doing the challenge that Angulas Aguinaga has asked to do. For this, some specialized people have come to help us. Ainhoa taught us how to work on a team, Iñigo how to develop our idea and Javier gave us a masterclass of visual thinking. All of them have been very useful and we have learnt a lot.  We think that it will be a difficult challenge but we are going to try to do our best.
First of all we did a BRAIN STORM and we came up with some ideas:
- Draw
- Chromos
- Slices
- Ravioli
- TV advertisement
- Dry the sticks
- Sell them like candies
- With different shapes and colours
- Rolls with cheese
- Fried

Eventually we decided that the best option were raviolis with different shapes and colours filling with Krissia. If it is possible we would like to do draws (for example of a holiday in a cruise).


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