lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018


Hi everybody!

1. A ravioli made of surimi with a filling that could be any sauce. We thought about using different shapes and colours so it would be attractive to children.

2. Two virtues we found in this project would be the capacity we had to create something new and how easy it was to work on team. We were really helpful between us and the ideas came very fast.

3. We had a problem with the conservation of the product because we weren't sure if surimi and pasta could conservate well together. After asking the girls of this enterprise, they told us there was no problem. Another trouble happened when in the Visual Thinking class we had to organize very well to make a creative message. We ran out of time, but we got it.

4. To make it real, the company would have to talk and make business with another one and  produce the pasta as Angulas Aguinaga isn't able to cook it.

5. Our proposition is directed to children and teenagers. We followed some of the points like giving colour to our product and using different shapes to make it more attractive. As they told us, we also used our imagination and all of us think that the final result is creative.

6. As we said before, we would have to contact with another company so we have the pasta, the surimi would be cooked in Angulas Aguinaga as it is now.

7. It's innovative, appeals to children and adults too, there's nothing like that nowadays and it's easy to cook.

The challenge has finished and we enjoyed a lot doing it. In the beginning we didn´t think that we could do it but as we said in our presentation with help everything is possible and I think that we have done a good job. We have learnt a lot and it has been an unforgettable experience that we will remember in the future.

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018


Hi everybody!
We had a Visual Thinking class last week and it was really educational. We talked about how to make the message more attractive by using different shapes and colours or signs as you can see in the picture. After that, we had ten minutes to create an advertisement of our product for our project with Angulas Aguinaga, and that wasn't enough time. I think we all had fun and learned a lot in this lesson. Javier taught us a lot, and we tried to do something he would do. We are not very professional on this, but we tried and this is the final result:


Hi everybody!
In this entry we are going to show you what Iñigo has taught us. He made an example and we have tried to make the same with our idea. Here we have our. We made a canvas and a swot to show the process.

We did this with Iñigo and it was very helpful to develop our idea. Later Ainhoa tough us how to work as a team and I think that we learnt a lot and that is something we won´t forget. Finally Javier came and we worked on the visual thinking with him. It wasn´t easy and we weren´t very good but I think that in the future we will be grateful.


We thought about using different ravioli shapes like stars, fishes, hearts… Other thing would be to colour them. The last idea would be to draw something (like a cruise) among the people who had bought Krissia.
The idea is to create a new type of ravioli. In this case the filling of the ravioli would be Krissia. The raviolis would have different shapes and colours to make it more atractive for kids.
This product will be directed to families. The intention is to make teens and kids eat our product. The buyers are going to be the parents.
The raviolis would be a bit expensive in the beginning because it is a brand new product but it would became profitable with the time.

The product has carbohidrats and proteins.
It would be easy to combine.
We don’t know if the conservation would be possible.
At the beginning it would be difficult.
Kids and teenagers like pasta.
They are atracted by colours and shapes.
There are a lot of variety of fish in the market, and also a lot of type of ravioli.

After doing the contrast with Angulas Aguinaga we decided that the best idea would be to a ravioli made of surimi instead of our first idea which was a ravioli made of pasta. The filling of the new ravioli would be made with some other products of Angulas Aguinaga and different sauces.


Hello, we are Irati Alkezar, Felix Oyarzabal, Maddi Arotzena and Maddi Lopez and we are one of the groups which is doing the challenge that Angulas Aguinaga has asked to do. For this, some specialized people have come to help us. Ainhoa taught us how to work on a team, Iñigo how to develop our idea and Javier gave us a masterclass of visual thinking. All of them have been very useful and we have learnt a lot.  We think that it will be a difficult challenge but we are going to try to do our best.
First of all we did a BRAIN STORM and we came up with some ideas:
- Draw
- Chromos
- Slices
- Ravioli
- TV advertisement
- Dry the sticks
- Sell them like candies
- With different shapes and colours
- Rolls with cheese
- Fried

Eventually we decided that the best option were raviolis with different shapes and colours filling with Krissia. If it is possible we would like to do draws (for example of a holiday in a cruise).