jueves, 28 de marzo de 2019


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make some questions about the European Union to make a Kahot, here you have the questions. KAHOOT

When did European Union come into existence?
     a) 1995
     b) 1978
     c) 1986
     d) 1993

How many countries were admitted to EU in 2004?
     a) 12
     b) 10
     c) 18
     d) 23
When did euro coins and notes come into circulation?
     a) 2002
     b) 1996
     c) 2000
     d) 1987
How many member states are in the EU?
     a) 40
     b) 28
     c) 7
     d) 16
Which is the largest country in the EU
     a) Spain
     b) Poland
     c) France
     d) Germany
How many stars does the EU Flag have?
     a) 14
    1993 b) 28
     c) 11
     d) 12
Which of these languages is not an official language of the EU?
     a) Greek
     b) Finnish
     c) Maltese
     d) Basque
Which of these countries is not in the EU?
     a) Cyprus
     b) Czech Republic
     c) Sweeden
     d) Denmarc 
Which is the city with the biggest population in the EU?
     a) Berlin
     b) Paris
     c) London
     d) Madrid 

martes, 26 de marzo de 2019


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make some question to some women, the questions are some entries before and then we had to do an interactive poster with them. Here you have the result:


Hi everybody!

We were asked to do a video with one of the 30 articles of the human rights, my article waws the 7th and here you have the video


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make a questionary about women & rights. The app we have used is google forms, here you have our questionary:

martes, 12 de marzo de 2019


Hi everybody:
We have been asked to do something related with women and science, we made some interviews and now we are going to make a interactive poster. This are some of the questions: 
- Did you hesitate to enter in this degree for being a woman?
- What do you want to work in the future?
- Do you think that you face the same possibilities as a man to get that future job?
- How many boys and girls are there in your class?
- Do you think teachers help in that gender difference? 
- Have you studied many women scientists?


Hi everybody!
We are doing a video about human rights on groups for a contest. Each group is going to do a diferent video and then we are going to choose one and present it to the contest. If we win we would go to Auswitch so I hope that we will.
For our video we have decided that we are going to interview some people. We are going to ask them questions about human rights and then do some shooting to put some famous sentences on the video. I think that it is a very good idea but it is very difficult to meet all together for the interview and I think that it will also be very hard to find people who let us interview and record them.
We had some problems with the editing, but finally we came out with a solution.
Here goes out video: