domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2018


Hi everybody!
The picture I have choosen is this, I think that represents Brassaï's style very good.



Hi everybody!

This last days, we have been talking and learning things about basic photography. Now it is the time to put what we have learnt on test. Here are some pictures I have taken using this techniques:

"Golden Hour"

I took this picture in Urgull, in a susnset. We can see the effect that the Sun does on the hair of the girl. I like this technique because I think the photos get a special effect.

This photo was taken in Plaza Constitucion, in the Old Part of San Sebastian. We can see the simmetry clear.


This are my friends in Aiete's Palace. The technique I have used is framing the frame. With this, the effect is made is that the picture is in a frame.



Hello everybody!
Here you have two photos I have taken using the depth of field and the low shutter speed.    

       "Depth of Field"


In this picture we can see a girl whose face is clear but the background is blurring. This is useful to pay almost all the attention on the girl.

         "Shutter Speed"

 In this other picture, the technique I have used is clear. We see the girl in movement, or this is the effect I want to make on you.