lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make an analysis our favorite band. I have choose One Direction and I am going to talk a little bit about their history, members, records... Then I am going to put you a song. Here you have what I have done:


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make an audio comparing the modality of arts and the modality of science, here you have my audio:

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to choose three posters from 2019 general elections, and analyse them from a marketing point of view. 
Resultado de imagen de psoe cartel electoral 2019
 As you can see, in this poster we have a picture of Sanchez and the slogan of the electoral campaign of this year. The slogan is clear "Haz que pase" and then we have some other sentences like "La España que quieres" and "Vota PSOE". I think that the main slogan means that they are talking directly to you, saying that if you whant something to happen you can voting PSOE.
Resultado de imagen de pp cartel electoral 2019

The second picture is the poster of the PP. Technically is very similar to the first, we have a picture of Casado and the slogan. Going to the slogan, I think that the meaning of it is that it's safe to vote PP, as if they have it everything under control.

Resultado de imagen de vox cartel electoral 2019
This poster is different to the others. We can see Santiago Abascal and then the slogan "Por España" then we have an other sentence "Vota VOX". I think that the slogan is good, because usually the people who vote VOX have national feeling so this slogan fits perfectly with their way to think.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2019

BREXIT - questionaire

Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make a questionaire to know how much know people about the Brexit. Here you have it:

lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2019


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make some questions about the European Union to make a Kahot, here you have the questions. KAHOOT

When did European Union come into existence?
     a) 1995
     b) 1978
     c) 1986
     d) 1993

How many countries were admitted to EU in 2004?
     a) 12
     b) 10
     c) 18
     d) 23
When did euro coins and notes come into circulation?
     a) 2002
     b) 1996
     c) 2000
     d) 1987
How many member states are in the EU?
     a) 40
     b) 28
     c) 7
     d) 16
Which is the largest country in the EU
     a) Spain
     b) Poland
     c) France
     d) Germany
How many stars does the EU Flag have?
     a) 14
    1993 b) 28
     c) 11
     d) 12
Which of these languages is not an official language of the EU?
     a) Greek
     b) Finnish
     c) Maltese
     d) Basque
Which of these countries is not in the EU?
     a) Cyprus
     b) Czech Republic
     c) Sweeden
     d) Denmarc 
Which is the city with the biggest population in the EU?
     a) Berlin
     b) Paris
     c) London
     d) Madrid 

martes, 26 de marzo de 2019


Hi everybody!
We have been asked to make some question to some women, the questions are some entries before and then we had to do an interactive poster with them. Here you have the result: